
Our Learning Disability Services Team in partnership with Omagh Local Involvement Group, were delighted to launch a special exhibition in Omagh Golf Club on 17th August representing the culmination of a six month art project undertaken by 12 people with a Learning Disability in the Omagh area.
Due to restrictions in place due to the ongoing pandemic, the classes were delivered via zoom by local art teacher Phil O Connor and were greatly enjoyed by all.
The exhibition was held from 17th- 19th August featuring the wonderful collection of Art produced by those who took part in the programme and the Trust encouraged all who are able to attend to come along and view the art for themselves.
Western Trust Involvement Manager, Julie McGinty said:
“This event highlights the tremendous creativity that can happen when we work together through our Local Involvement Groups. Service users and carers at the Omagh Local Involvement Group worked in partnership with staff and were instrumental in shaping and informing this vibrant and creative programme.”
Art Teacher Phil O’Connor said:
“As a Professional Associate for the Society of All Artists, teaching via Zoom was a challenge in itself, but I have to say, these students were and are amazing. What they achieved whilst watching via a device as opposed to being in a studio is why I am so proud at how well they coped.
“Art is not easy for some, as art tutors we try to inspire, encourage and create no matter the difficulties we face and the remote classes represented a form of release for these students. I am glad to have been offered the opportunity to work with, for and alongside these amazing people. I wish all the students the best in the future and hope they continue to create wonderful art.”
Dianne Crozier, Chair of Omagh Local Involvement Group, added:
“This programme, which was developed and funded through our Local Involvement Group, has given our adult learning disabled service users an opportunity to express their creative side. It was made even more enjoyable by the involvement of talented local artist Phil O’Connor who has developed a great rapport with the artists through his guided step by step online zoom tutorials.
“This process has given them a sense of their own personal accomplishment and achievement, plus most importantly it has resulted in some beautiful art pieces to be very proud of. The entire programme has been a great boost for their self-esteem, confidence and mental health. Well done to everyone involved”.
Carla Priestley Student
‘It’s fantastic!’
Claire Hamill Student
‘Thank you for letting me be involved and I’m looking forward to our exhibition’.
If you would like to find out more about our Local Involvement Groups, please contact:
Southern Sector: Jonathan McGuigan on 028 8283 5124 or jonathan.mcguigan@westerntrust.hscni.net
Northern Sector: Deirdre Kelly on 028 7186 4323 or deirdre.kelly@westerntrust.hscni.net