My Care gives you greater control over your healthcare by providing you with personalised and secure online access to specific parts of your medical records.
Through My Care you can access information like your medications, appointments and some test results.
It is free to use, and it is optional. You can continue interacting with healthcare services via traditional methods – letters, phone calls, etc.
For information to be accessible to a patient it must first be inputted into the encompass system. Western Trust will Go-Live with encompass on 8 May 2025.
You can choose to let someone you trust – usually a family member or carer – to access your My Care account to help you manage your care by raising awareness of appointments, or reading and interpreting letters.
This is known as proxy access.
You can stop anyone using your My Care at any time and you can decide how much other people can see and what they can do on your My Care record.
Family members, staff and next of kin with questions about proxy access can contact the My Care helpdesk via email on: or telephone: 028 9536 8180
My Care features will become available when Western Trust goes live with encompass on 8 May 2025. Patients will be encouraged to sign up for My Care following an appointment or hospital stay.
Historical information will be limited. The patient record will be updated with information from certain interactions with your secondary care provider.
The My Care Helpdesk is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. If you need help with My Care: