Information Disclosure Log
Information Disclosure Log
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI)
To obtain a copy of any of the responses to the FOI requests listed below, please send an email or write to the Trust’s FOI Office as follows:
Or write to: FOI Office, Maple Villa A, Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Derry/Londonderry, BT47 6WJ
Please provide: your full name; your contact details; the request reference number for the request / response you are interested in
Use the search bar to search for a keyword in the Disclosure Log below.
Request Reference Number | Request Category | Summary of Information Request | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/001 | Covid 19 deaths | How many people died in your hospitals due to Covid-19 alone? As in they died only due to Covid-19. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/002 | Perinatal mental health | In relation to NICE CG192, what steps have the Trust taken to implement the guidance. ? What input has the Trust made into the business case for specialist community perinatal mental health? What input the Trust has had into the business case for the regional mother and baby unit, especially the proposed location of the site? | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/003 | Medical and nursing staff | Since January 2017 broken down by month, how many nursing and medical staff by band, age and specialty have left the organisation that was not for retirement, redundancy or as a result of disciplinary. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/004 | Detoxification and Rehabilitation Service and the Multidisciplinary Crisis Response and Home Treatment team | Information about Detoxification and Rehabilitation Service and the Multidisciplinary Crisis Response and Home Treatment team. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/005 | Deaths while on waiting list | 1. How many people died while on a health service?waiting list in your trust area in the 2020 calendar year. If possible, provide comparison figures for 2019 and 2018? 2. If possible to state, how many of the above deaths were patients on a waiting list for (1) 1 year and over (2) 3 years and over (3) five years and over | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/006 | Patients treated in A & E | Monthly breakdown figures of patients treated in A&E from January 2019 to December 2020 in the SWAH hospitals i.e. January 2019, February 2019, March 2019 etc. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/007 | Cauda Equina Syndrome surgeries | Total number of Cauda Equina Syndrome surgeries for the following years; 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 , 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/008 | Staff absences, employed and legal costs | Information about staff absences categorised in the years between 2015 - 2020. (Did not proceed - applicant did not provide clarification) | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/009 | Learning Management Systems | Details about LMS (Learning Management System) used within the Trust. Contract details and services received from LMS suppliers. | |||||||||||||||
FOI/21/010 | Waiting time for USS at Altnagelvin Hospital | Confirm the waiting times for an ultrasound scan at Altnagelvin Area Hospital following routine GP referral in April 2015. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 721 entries
FOI Disclosure Log 2020
FOI Disclosure Log 2020
Request Reference Number Request Category Summary of Information Request FOI/20/001 Brain tumour specialists The number of clinical nurse specialists helping brain and CNS tumour patients, who have been employed in the Western HSC Trust for each year since 2008. FOI/20/002 PFI contract Total Trust cost of managing the PFI contract in Enniskillen, including pro-rated staff hours who aren't doing it as there full time job and staff whose job it is full time too. Please breakdown the posts, hours per month and costs to make it clear. FOI/20/003 Water contamination If the Trust have had any water samples from water systems in any of their sites that have contamination like legionella or any other germs or bacteria. Please break down how many samples were positive for each site for the last 3 years and how many samples were taken (by month) FOI/20/004 Car Parking Charges 1. In the last 5 financial years, how much income has been raised from hospital car parking?
2. How much of this income comes from health care staff parking?
3. The hospitals which charge for parking, and number of parking spaces available in these hospitals.
4. From the figure in (3), the number of free spaces and the number of charged parking spaces.
FOI/20/005 Essure Device 1 What date did the trust start using the essure device 2002 or 2009?
2 How many were implanted from that date within your trust?
3 How many essure related hysterectomies were carried out from it was first used?
4 When was the device last used?
5 Where any patients aware of the serious and non serious side effects of essure device before it was implanted?
6 How many women have ended up in A&E due to the effects of the essure device?
7 Is the gynea department aware of all the effects of the essure device?
8 Is the trust still offering the device to patients as form of sterilisation?
9 Is the device still being used within your trust?
10 If a patient has the essure device fitted and concerned or has issues will they be treated with priority.
11 Does these figure also include patients that were fitted privately
FOI/20/006 Medical Notes and Records Request for all my medical notes to date from Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry (PERSONAL INFORMATION - EXEMPT FROM RELEASE UNDER FOI ACT) FOI/20/007 Facilities Management Contracts Request for contract information for the following services: 1. Office and building cleaning services.
2. Lift service and maintenance – Service contract for lift service and maintenance.
3. Food – Service contract that is focused around catering services.
4. General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
5. Laundry services where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed.
FOI/20/008 Venous thromboembolism protocol Does a specific venous thromboembolism protocol exist for your Trust? If so:
- What date was this protocol put into place?
- When is it due for review?
- Is there a preferred Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) or are all utilised within the trust for VTE?
- How many patients have been treated for VTE with a DOAC in the last 12 months?
- What volume of each DOAC was used to Treat in this same time period?
FOI/20/009 Looked After Children 1. How many children looked after by the Trust (i.e. under Art.25 Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995): 2. How many children are subject to a care order or supervision order( i.e. under Art.50 Children (Northern Ireland Order 1995): and 3. How many young people entitled to leaving care support (i.e. under Art.35(2) Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995):
- Are EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens,
- have made applications to the EU Settled Status Scheme,
- have made applications for British Citizenship,
- have received settled status,
- have received pre-settled status.
FOI/20/010 Clinical System contract Contract for Trust clinical system for diagnostic reporting (Sectra NIPACS). If still in use or name of new supplier. New contract expiration date and is it annually renewed?
FOI/20/011 Dental Emergency Department attendances For the years 2014-15 to 2019-20 to Jan 1st 2020: how many patients presented at your Emergency Care Departments (to include emergency departments, minor injuries units and walk-in centres) with dental health problems?
Of these:
a) Of the patients presenting with dental health problems, how many received treatment at the hospital during that visit?
b) Of the patients presenting with dental health problems, can the numbers please be broken down by type of problem e.g. toothache, loss of teeth, bleeding from the mouth.
c) Of the patients presenting with dental health problems, can the numbers please be broken down by age of the patient e.g. 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+
d) Of the patients presenting with dental health problems, how many were not registered with an NHS dentist?FOI/20/012 Diagnostic and procedure data Data for year 2018/19 on the diagnostic and procedure data for episodes at hospital level for Western H&SC Trust. FOI/20/013 Eating disorders Details of the number of people who have been treated for eating disorders by the Trust since 2014. FOI/20/014 Women's Health (Internal Uterine System/Device) • List of all practices that are contracted to fit/offer an Internal Uterine System/Device (coil) fitting service
• How many IUS/Ds (coils) have each practice fitted/ removed/ reviewed/ claimed for in 2018/19
• How much are contracted practices paid per IUS/IUD (coil) procedure (fit, remove, review or other) they currently contracted to pay per fit
• If fitting service is available how many insertions and removals have been undertaken in the last 12 months for each practice
• Does the practice have a bespoke clinic for IUS/D (coil) fitting or are appointments part of the routine appointment schedule or both
• Is there a waiting time for IUS/IUD (coil) fits at the practice and if so how long (<6 weeks, between 6 weeks – 6 months, or > 6 months)
• If a practice does not have its own fitting service, which practice/clinic/hospital do they refer to
• Do they have someone within the practice who provides specialist contraceptive counselling
FOI/20/015 Specialised Care Rate Re.increase in "specialised care rate" received by care provider. Request for information on: 1. the persons involved in the decision to award the % increase 2. minutes of meeting when this was discussed 3. calculations and method used 4. why the decision taken not to increase the specialised care in line with the standard dom. care rate? 5. an explanation to the disparity in the award 6. what rate was awarded from the DoH for H&SC in the identified time period of this rate award? 7. why previous correspondence on this matter have not been actioned? FOI/20/016 PPCI procedure For the periods:
1st January 2017 - 31st Dec 2017
1st January 2018 - 31st Dec 2018
1st January 2019 - 31st Dec 2019
1. The number of patients accepted via A&E for emergency PPCI
2. The number of patients accepted via NIAS for emergency PPCI
3. The number accepted via other methods for emergency PPCI
4. The number of patients discharged from hospital after successful PPCI
5. The number of patients that died during the PPCI Procedure.
FOI/20/017 Delayed Discharges 1. Number of lost bed days in the Trust due to delayed discharge during the 2018-19, by the reason for the delay.
2. Number of people who, after being deemed medically fit for discharge from hospital, died before their discharge took place, during the 2018-19.
3. Number of people who, after being deemed medically fit for discharge from hospital, died before their discharge took place, during the 2018-19 financial year, broken down by their primary diagnosis.
FOI/20/018 Agenda for Change (AFC) system Does the trust use a computer aided system to perform Agenda for Change/Job Evaluation?
What is the cost per annum?
Is the system centrally funded?
If a system is in place when is the renewal date?
FOI/20/019 Job Planning Job Planning in the Trust by staff group, including?information relating?to your use of job planning (all methods of job planning, whether that be e-forms, third party solutions, or paper based/excel) and use of third?party suppliers. Request for contract information for any third party suppliers. FOI/20/020 Young People in unregulated care 1. How many young people, under the age of 18 who are in care of your Trust, have been held in unregulated accommodation in the last 5 years (to 31st March 2019)?
2. Age of young people involved.
3. Type of unregulated accommodation used eg hotel / hostel / B&B / caravan / other.
FOI/20/369 Covid 19 deaths The actual number of covid 19 deaths for the period of February 2020 to November 2020 within the Western Health Trust.? In addition the number of Covid 19 deaths with underlying medical conditions.? Showing 1 to 20 of 370 entries -
FOI Disclosure Log 2019
Request Reference Number Request Category Summary of Information Request FOI/20/001 Brain tumour specialists The number of clinical nurse specialists helping brain and CNS tumour patients, who have been employed in the Western HSC Trust for each year since 2008. FOI/20/002 PFI contract Total Trust cost of managing the PFI contract in Enniskillen, including pro-rated staff hours who aren't doing it as there full time job and staff whose job it is full time too. Please breakdown the posts, hours per month and costs to make it clear. FOI/20/003 Water contamination If the Trust have had any water samples from water systems in any of their sites that have contamination like legionella or any other germs or bacteria. Please break down how many samples were positive for each site for the last 3 years and how many samples were taken (by month) FOI/20/004 Car Parking Charges 1. In the last 5 financial years, how much income has been raised from hospital car parking?
2. How much of this income comes from health care staff parking?
3. The hospitals which charge for parking, and number of parking spaces available in these hospitals.
4. From the figure in (3), the number of free spaces and the number of charged parking spaces.
FOI/20/005 Essure Device 1 What date did the trust start using the essure device 2002 or 2009?
2 How many were implanted from that date within your trust?
3 How many essure related hysterectomies were carried out from it was first used?
4 When was the device last used?
5 Where any patients aware of the serious and non serious side effects of essure device before it was implanted?
6 How many women have ended up in A&E due to the effects of the essure device?
7 Is the gynea department aware of all the effects of the essure device?
8 Is the trust still offering the device to patients as form of sterilisation?
9 Is the device still being used within your trust?
10 If a patient has the essure device fitted and concerned or has issues will they be treated with priority.
11 Does these figure also include patients that were fitted privately
FOI/20/006 Medical Notes and Records Request for all my medical notes to date from Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry (PERSONAL INFORMATION - EXEMPT FROM RELEASE UNDER FOI ACT) FOI/20/007 Facilities Management Contracts Request for contract information for the following services: 1. Office and building cleaning services.
2. Lift service and maintenance – Service contract for lift service and maintenance.
3. Food – Service contract that is focused around catering services.
4. General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
5. Laundry services where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed.
FOI/20/008 Venous thromboembolism protocol Does a specific venous thromboembolism protocol exist for your Trust? If so:
- What date was this protocol put into place?
- When is it due for review?
- Is there a preferred Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) or are all utilised within the trust for VTE?
- How many patients have been treated for VTE with a DOAC in the last 12 months?
- What volume of each DOAC was used to Treat in this same time period?
FOI/20/009 Looked After Children 1. How many children looked after by the Trust (i.e. under Art.25 Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995): 2. How many children are subject to a care order or supervision order( i.e. under Art.50 Children (Northern Ireland Order 1995): and 3. How many young people entitled to leaving care support (i.e. under Art.35(2) Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995):
- Are EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens,
- have made applications to the EU Settled Status Scheme,
- have made applications for British Citizenship,
- have received settled status,
- have received pre-settled status.
FOI/20/010 Clinical System contract Contract for Trust clinical system for diagnostic reporting (Sectra NIPACS). If still in use or name of new supplier. New contract expiration date and is it annually renewed?
Showing 1 to 10 of 722 entries