You are invited to the local engagement partnership event.
When: Wednesady 18th September 2019
Where: Guildhall, Londonderry/Derry
Time: Registration from 10:00AM
Closing Date for Registration: 6th September – Please note places are limited, so hurry to book your place.
Who are we?
The Local Engagement Partnership (LEP) is a partnership made up of a range of stakeholders involved in improving services for Adults with a Learning Disability.
It includes representatives from the statutory agencies, community, voluntary and independent sectors as well as parents, carers and individuals who use the service.
Why Are We Having This Event?
The aim of the event is to launch the Local Engagement Partnership and provide information about its work.
The event is also an opportunity to come along and see the range of services on offer for people with a Learning Disability and to hear from some of our service users about their experience.
You will have the opportunity to tell us your views on what you think you would like to see change or stay the same for Adult Learning Disability Services in the future.
This is the first of our local partnership events, with similar events to be organised across other areas of the Trust in the future.
Who is it for?
If you are an Adult with a Learning Disability or a parent/carer of an Adult with Learning Disability, we would love to see you there.
How do I book a place?
To register your interest please contact Majella Townley on 02871864363 or majella.townley@westerntrust.hscni.net
When booking, please advise if you have any specific requirements such as dietary, transport, access or mobility issues.