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Supported Living Service

What does the Supported Living Service do?

The Supported Living service provides community-based living facilities for adults (18-65 years old) who have significant and longstanding mental health problems. Supported Living offers a caring, open and responsive approach to enable service users to retain as much control as possible in their lives, within their own community. We recognise that most people want to maintain their independence and, as such, our objective will be to encourage service users to make informed decisions about their lives with appropriate information and support. We aim to create a caring environment which will assist in the promotion of service users’ wellbeing and recovery, enabling them to reach their maximum potential in all aspects of their lives.

What kind of staff work in the service?

Our supported living facilities are staffed by a range of social care staff, including mental health nurses and support workers. Each service user has an identified key worker and support worker, and patients are involved in the development of their individual care plan and support plans. Through having a mixed skill-set of social care staff we are able to respond to the differing needs of our clients

Where is the service based?

Our supported living facilities are located in the following areas:

  • Ballyclose Hostel – 11 Mill Place, Limavady, BT49 0BJ – 028 7776 4564
  • Carnhill Hostel – 575 Carnhill, Londonderry, BT48 8BZ – 028 7135 1878 / 028 7186 5222
  • Holly Lane – Gransha Park, Londonderry – 028 7186 0261
  • Ferone Drive – Donaghanie Road, Omagh – 028 8283 5868
  • Cranny Close – Drumnakilly Road, Omagh. BT79 0PB – 028 8225 1727
  • Four Oaks – Drumnakilly/Deverney Road, Omagh. BT79 0JN – 028 8225 9868
  • Rathview Mews – 12 Drumnakilly Road, Cranny, Omagh. BT79 0JN – 028 8283 5371
  • Clare House – 51 Chanterhill Road, Enniskillen. BT74 6DE – 028 6632 6361
  • Magee Court – East Bridge Street, Enniskillen – 028 6632 6361

How do you access the service?

To apply for Supported Living, the service user must be currently under the care of a Recovery or Forensic Mental Health Community Team, as referred by their GP.

Contacting the service:

With client consent, supported living staff are happy to speak to the carers and loved ones of our residents.