Brenda McCabe, Midwifery Lead for South West Acute Hospital and Omagh...
The Western Trust is facing unprecedented pressures due to the high...
This spring and summer we are working with the Public Health...
With society reopening and opportunities for people to meet up and...
The 15 March 2022 marks Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) day....
The Western Trust Chief Executive Neil Guckian warmly welcomed actor and...
March sees the beginning of No Smoking Month. As part of...
Newly qualified Children and Young People’s Nurse Nicole Brady based at...
The Western Trust has announced plans for a fresh phase of...
Service users at Maybrook Day Centre have recently completed the Active...
Mencap have released the 17th Edition of their EmployAbility2U Newsletter. You...
Newly qualified Paediatric Nurse Michelle McElroy, based at South West Acute...
Deirdre Mahon, Director of Women and Children’s Services at the Western...
The Public Health Agency, in association with The Consultation Institute, are...
The Western Digital Safeguarding Group wish to remind everyone working with...
Our Homeless Health Team in partnership with the Welcome Organisation’s mobile...
Conor McDermott a Care Assistant in GlenOaks Day Centre in Derry/Londonderry...
22 patients received hip replacements last week through a new orthopaedic...
The very talented service users and staff at the Lilliput Centre...
Update January 2022 Dear all, Noelle Donnell of Hummingbird NI has...
Our Human Milk Bank located at the South West Acute Hospital...